We were appointed in 2022 by Homes England to design the new community and recreation facility within the wider Upper Lighthorne development. The new settlement creates over a 1000 new homes and includes green infrastructure and connections to the wider expansion of Lighthorne Heath.
The CRH includes a hall for flexible and sport functions, a café, community meeting room and ancillary accommodation. It supports the use of new outdoor sports pitches and an artificial pitch available to the residents of the new homes and the wider area. In addition the CRH has been paired with the retail element of the wider scheme to provide a vibrant community asset with plenty of footfall.
Community consultation was undertaken in April 2022 in Lighthorne Heath and an application for reserved matters approval was submitted in the summer.
The external design of the buildings seeks to create landmarks within the residential development and combine a palette of brickwork, render and standing seam cladding to provide an articulated visual appearance.
Robothams have provided a multidiscplinary service to Homes England with design team partners, PMP (cost consultant), Halligan Consulting Engineers (services design) and Andy Miles Associates (structural engineer).